Bible classes for kids

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

3 John:4


Children’s ministry is a crucial part of our church as we make disciples with our kids as well, training and equipping the next generation to know and serve Jesus. Our focus is to teach our children that the gospel is at the center of all we do.

Our church has a rigorous child protection policy, and all our teachers and caregivers have completed background checks.

Sunday Classes for Birth Through 6th Grade

  • Nursery (0-4 yrs old)

    Babies and toddlers are loved and cared for by our nursery volunteers while being introduced to God’s Word and His love for them.

    9:15 am and 10:30 am

  • Younger Elementary (K-2nd grade)

    Children are introduced to God’s Word and the story of the Gospel throughout all of Scripture. Through small group interaction, videos, scripture memory, and crafts, children are encouraged to share what they have learned with their parents and others.

    9:15 am and 10:30 am

  • Older Elementary (3rd-6th grade)

    Children’s church offers an active learning opportunity and interaction with Bible Teaching. Through videos, role play, singing, and small groups we focus on what the Bible is teaching us.

    9:15 am and 10:30 am


Sunday evenings are driven by our goal to make disciples. We work to teach our kids not only what the Bible says, but to memorize it, to know how to find what they are looking for in the Bible, and to know how to read it and study it for themselves or with others. We will also focus through the teaching time on how our kids can live out what the Bible says!